Episode 42: The Idealist (Nina Munk on Jeff Sachs)

Nina Munk’s latest book, The Idealist, is about Jeffrey Sachs and the Millennium Villages Project. It is also a book about the efforts that people in industrialised countries make to help poor people. It is a book about vision, passion and hubris.munk

In this episode of Development Drums, Nina Munk tells the story of how she came to write the book, and what she learned about Jeff Sachs, and about development aid, as she did so.

Download the transcript

7 thoughts on “Episode 42: The Idealist (Nina Munk on Jeff Sachs)

  1. Pingback: New Zealand Aid and Development Dialogues

  2. Pingback: Jeffrey Sachs’ Millennium Villages don’t work, or do they? | Joshua Keller–Fish

  3. Pingback: The Challenges of Simple Problems | Jeff Bloem

  4. Pingback: De destructieve kant van goede bedoelingen - Oikocredit Nederland

  5. A brilliant and thought-provoking podcast on a really important subject. This should be required listening…and Nina Munk’s book required reading…for anyone involved in development. As a VSO volunteer in Ethiopia, it has given me real food for thought.

  6. Pingback: Sachsy development | Development Roast

  7. Pingback: A fraught ‘Idealist’ of our age | Praxis

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